April 4, 2011

Google Tools to Support Bloom's Revised Taxonomy

Over the years I have used many different Google tools for myself as well as with teachers and students. My experiences with Google tools started small but has grown to include many areas of both my personal and professional life. The biggest impact I have seen this year is how Google tools have successfully supported classroom learning objectives.

Most recently I worked with tenth graders who were using Google Sites for a biology project. Each team of students was able to collaborate on a given site as well as to link to their shared Google Docs. Students also found it easy to incorporate media from Picasa and other online sources.

This past week I was excited to find a resource that Kathy Schrock assembled that showcases Google tools to support Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. This resource is an interactive graphic that provides links to Google tools as each level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. I was surprised by how many tools on the list were new to me. This is a fabulous resource for any classroom teacher that uses Google tools.

To read more about why Kathy Schrock to put this resource together check out her blog.

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